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Welcome to Flotilla 84

The USCG Auxiliary Supplemental Flotilla 085-08-04"

Mission Of the Supplemental Flotilla

The Supplemental Flotilla 84 acts much like the USCG Reserve Personnel Services Management in that it provides Auxiliarists assignment choices with flexibility in their Auxiliary career . Many Auxiliarists are faced with tough choices when life changes occur such as health, employment ,relocations, family, retirement and others that make full participation in their local flotilla not a viable option. There are more choices for the Auxiliarists when life changes occur than " Do I remain a member or do I leave the Auxiliary"- now the choices include a transfer to the Supplemental Flotilla. The Supplemental Flotilla Mission is to offer members flexibility, connection,encouragement to maintain qualifications, opportunity to transfer back to a regular flotilla when they are ready, ability to serve if they maintain their Qualifications and meet other requirements.
The Supplemental Flotilla Commander, Vice Flotilla Commander and Human Relations Staff Officer act as Personnel Managers who listen and provide career counsel with support in a fair, consistent and transparent manner.
The Supplementary Flotilla is one part of a agile and flexible lifecycle personnel management option available for those Auxiliarists for whom this makes sense. The Supplemental Flotilla does not recruit new members but only assists exsisting membership.Welcome to Flotilla 84's webpage.